Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Orphanage Needs List

If you don't know Joe and I are traveling to Haiti to see our children who have finally been moved to the creche in Port Au Prince one week from tomorrow!!!!!  Needless to say our hearts are overjoyed!

 I have had several people today ask me if there was anything the orphanage needed they could donate for us to take along.  The following is a list of items from the creche's website.  I will be at St Thomas Monday and Tuesday so please have items to me by then for this trip or if you are unable to get them by then we can always take them next time!
 We have been overwhelmed by the generous spirit of our friends. 
 We love you all so much!
 MEZI(Thank you) from the children of New Life Link!

Current Needs for NEW LIFE LINK

DONATIONS are graciously and gratefully accepted
Donations of Food, Clothing and Medicine and Other Key Necessities

Medicine : We need Imodium and antibiotics. Imodium is very expensive in Haiti. We also can use vitamins for children.
●    Imodium
●    Antibiotics for children
●    Vitamins

Toiletry Needs :

●    Baby soap and shampoo, hair bands and clasps for the little girls, laundry detergent,
●    Ammens powder, pampers, cloth diapers, baby wipes
●    Shampoo for adults
●    Vaseline petroleum
●    Toothpaste
●    Soap bar
●    Towels (colored if possible).

Clothes for ages 0-14 (Boys and Girls): We desperately need more clothes (ONLY SUMMER CLOTHES, please !).
●    Sheets (crib size and twin size), children's clothing (baby and older child), Shorts
●    T-shirts
●    Underwear and Socks:
●    Dresses
●    Black shoes for church and ceremonies! (Very important and we do not have enough).
●    Sandals and Sneakers
●    Flip flops (Please summer clothing only: it almost never gets below 700 F in Haiti!)

Food :
The following are some of the items that we use most :
    Baby cereal, soy and milk-based infant formula, lots of baby rice cereal.
●    Dried cereal, Oatmeal (I know someone who loves dried raisins and raisin brand cereal J
●    Canned Tuna, Fish, Chicken and Ham/Meat. Please get it in cans as large as possible! We feed 60 children at HFC + the NEW LIFE LINK children 3 times a day. (Please no low fat/health foods. Rice, powdered milk, powered eggs, pasta, peanut butter, jelly, beans, are not significantly more expensive in Haiti and so it is preferable to collect meat and tuna cans above anything else.)

School Supplies :

●    children's toys
●    Children's and School books in FRENCH
●    Children's Backpacks 
P. S.  Please bring the above items as you come to Haiti. Do not send us packages or boxes of clothing or food items. It costs too much money to get them out of customs. It is not worth it.

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